Occupy Wall Street is a movement that has been showing up in cities across America as of late. If you want to get a good idea of what these people are upset about, check out this Tumblr page.
Observation #1: It's interesting and ironic that the Occupy protests really have more in common with the historical Boston Tea Party than the Tea Party of today. The government is "for the people, by the people," while corporations are for profit at the expense of all else. Which movement are you for? The Anti-Government Tea Party or the Pro-American Occupy Wall Street-ers?
Observation #2: When the Tea Party folks started showing up at events and places around the country, the media portrayed them as real Americans fed-up with Government telling them what to do, etc. When Occupy protesters show-up around the country, they're a "mob."
Observation #3: Journalism is not what it used to be - and that's not helping us to distinguish real from superficial. We put talking heads on TV who have an agenda, but no one - except for maybe Jon Stewart - seems to look deeper than the surface.
We're a nation dumbed-down by reality TV and entertainment and ratings ahead of truth. We like fancy slogans, especially when they lead us to believe things are how we'd fancy them to be - not necessarily how they are.
I just realized this post if very serious and not really humorous at all. But where we're headed is not funny - the Occupy folks will tell you that.
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